

Are you ready to elevate email engagement?

Published about 1 year agoΒ β€’Β 4 min read

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Overcome the barriers of adding personalization to your emails

Are you ready to make your emails feel tailor-made for your subscribers and build deeper connections that boost your engagement and sales?

With a bit of personalization, you'll make your subscribers feel seen and valued and you’ll enjoy higher open rates, better engagement, and more conversions.

And who doesn't want that?

Imagine every email you send out making a real impact, driving potential customers to invest in your [NK_IDENT_PERFORM_SERVICE GOES HERE] and watch your business grow.

Unfortunately, many course creators miss these incredible benefits because they think personalization is too time-consuming or complicated.

But don't worry. It's not as daunting as it seems, and with a few simple tips, you'll be on your way to personalizing your email marketing.

Are any (or all) of these stopping you?

Talking with so many [NK_IDENT_PLURAL GOES HERE] I've found three common reasons people don't learn or struggle to make progress on email personalization:

πŸ”§ Lack of technical know-how, where personalization can seem intimidating due to the perceived technical skills required to implement it effectively.

πŸ“Š Analysis paralysis with the overwhelming amount of data available. It can make it difficult for some to decide which information is most relevant for personalization.

🎨 A creative block where even the most creative people sometimes struggle to find fresh and captivating ways to incorporate personalization into their emails.

If these resonate with you, let's walk you through them here, get yourself unstuck, and move forward with your personalization.

According to a Hubspot study of 330,000 Calls to Action (or CTAs) over six months, personalized CTAs resulted in a 202% boost in performance rather than the default.

And adding a little personalization can go a long way.

Get the tech out of the way!

Grasping the technical aspects of email personalization is crucial because it enables you to effectively segment your audience, send targeted messages, and create a deeper connection that leaves an impression on your subscribers.

Here are a few quick examples to put this into action:

Tags and Custom Fields: To start, insert your subscribers' first names into your email subject lines or greetings. This simple trick can make a big difference. While you'll find many studies online that say this works, here's a study that shows Open rates increased 6-23%, clicks by 7-32%, and unsubscribes fell 11-17%.

Segmentation: Divide your audience based on their interests, behavior, or course progress. For instance, Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers has one of the best courses for freelancers out there called 10XFreelancer, and she sends out reminders to students like this.

Dynamic content: Use tools like conditional blocks in your email templates to show different content to different subscribers based on their data. Matt Ragland shared this hint that perfectly illustrates how you can send the same email to customers and non-customers.

By embracing the technical side of email personalization, you'll be well on your way to creating more engaging and effective campaigns that yield tangible results.

Don't overthink it.

When it comes to email personalization, many [NK_IDENT_PLURAL GOES HERE] fall into the trap of analysis paralysis, as they get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data available and struggle to identify the most relevant information for personalization.

They go wrong by:

  • Attempting to create an excessive number of segments making it difficult to create and manage targeted content.
  • Wasting time on minor data points that have little to no impact on the effectiveness of personalized emails.
  • Delaying or avoiding implementing personalization due to uncertainty about the "perfect" approach.

More data doesn't necessarily lead to better personalization.

It's crucial to balance and focus on the information that truly matters to your audience and objectives.

To avoid analysis paralysis:

  1. Determine the specific objectives you want to achieve with personalization, such as boosting engagement or increasing sales.
  2. Identify the most important information relevant to your goals, like subscribers' course progress, interests, or past interactions.
  3. Begin with simple personalization techniques and gradually refine your approach based on your results and feedback.

Stay focused on what truly matters.

Breaking Through Creative Blocks

Finally, even when facing a creative block, there are always fresh and captivating ways to add personalization to your emails, making your content stand out and resonate with your subscribers.

Here are some tips to help you overcome a creative block and enhance your email personalization:

  1. Subscribe to newsletters from successful [NK_IDENT_PLURAL GOES HERE] or brands in your niche, and analyze how they use personalization to engage with their list.
  2. Test different formats and styles: Don't be afraid to experiment with various content types, such as stories, quizzes, or interactive elements, to add a personal touch to your emails.
  3. Share testimonials, success stories, or questions from your subscribers to create a more personal and relatable experience.
  4. Bounce ideas off others or your subscribers to gain fresh perspectives and insights on personalization strategies.

By overcoming creative blocks and combining this with the technical know-how and avoidance of analysis paralysis, you'll set yourself up for some pretty outstanding results.

All these elements work together to create a unique and powerful experience for your subscribers. Ultimately leading to higher engagement rates and increased sales for your business.


Tips, Strategies, Resources, and More

ICYMI: Top Video of the Week: Personalization vs. Segmentation - How To Personalize & Segment Your Emails​

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πŸƒ My take: Breaking down beefy thoughts and sentences, cutting caveats, and deleting residue are three top tips for writing and speaking simply.

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πŸƒ My take: h/t from Josh Spector on this one. #10 is my favorite and this is a checklist that I now have saved and will use for every single one I make.

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πŸƒ My take: Dylan breaks down and provides all the numbers behind his theories on a few lead magnets he tested. He surprised himself by which one worked best.

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πŸƒ My take: One of the points is a storytelling aspect. But what Neal describes in this is how each of the other 7 weave into one big story. So smooth!

Final Thoughts

Reader, how many points of personalization do you think are in this email?

Hit reply with your guess and I'll tell you.


by Jason Resnick

I'm on a mission to simplify email marketing and automation. You don't need to know everything, but I'm here to help you understand the 80% that matters. Whether you’re a Creator selling courses, memberships, or programs online, Evergreen turns automation from daunting to doable through relatable stories and lessons six-times-a-week in no more than 2 minutes.

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